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The  graph  below  shows  the  area  of  land  for  organic  crop  in  two countries   between    1985   ans   2010.



2. 思路提纲



The given line chart compares two nations in terms of the expanse of land allocated to cultivating organic crops over a quarter of a century.


Generally, the areas for the aforementioned crops in the two countries both underwent upward fluctuations, with that of country A experiencing more considerable variations.


To be specific, in 1985, the field for organic crops in both countries covered less than 50 thousand hectares, with that of nation B being marginally wider. In the next decade, the areas in the two places became substantially larger, reaching almost 170 thousand hectares, individually.


In about 1996, the expanse of farming land in country A surpassed that of country B. In the subsequent years, the former continued to broaden, reaching 270 thousand hectares or thereabouts in 2000, which was the most expansive, but lessened significantly in the remaining period, arriving at 150 thousand hectares in 2010. As for the latter, it had a minimal reduction and became identical with the former in the end.


Word Count: 157




4. 高分词汇或表达


(1) The expanse of land allocated: 分配的土地面积

(2) Cultivating: 种植

(3) Underwent upward fluctuations: 经历了上升波动

(4) A quarter of a century: 四分之一世纪

(5) Aforementioned: 前述的

(6) Undergoing: 正在进行

(7) More considerable variations: 更为显著的变化

(8) Covered: 覆盖

(9) The subsequent years: 随后的年份

(10) Broaden: 扩大

(11) Expanse of farming land: 耕地面积

(12) Or thereabouts: 或者左右

(13) The most expansive: 面积最大

(14) Lessened significantly: 显著减少

(15) Identical: 相同的

(16) Minimal reduction: 轻微减少

(17) Marginally wider: 略微宽一些

Became substantially larger: 显著增大



This plan below shows the South Wing of Walton Museum in 2008 and 2012 after it was redeveloped.



2. 思路提纲



Given are maps that illustrate the layout of the south wing of Walton Museum in 2008 and how it was arranged in 2012.


Overall, during the span of four years, substantial improvements could be observed in this particular section of the museum, with more facilities being established and some areas being relocated.  


Particularly, at first, there were two floors in most of the south wing. A path was in the west, leading to a special exhibition room, and next to it was a shop, below a reception, where the entrance was directed. To the east of the shop were stairs, adjacent to the cloak room, with a reading room above it.


Four years later, however, there were at least two floors in each section of the wing. An entrance, along with a terrace, was added atop the special exhibition room. In addition, the cloak room was transferred to the reception area, and a newly opened restaurant was situated on the floor above. The staircase was replaced by a lift, and the easternmost part became a four-story structure, with a children's play area, the reading room, a self-service cafe, and an exhibition room from the lowest to the highest level.


Word Count: 199

4. 高分词汇或表达


(1) Was arranged: 被安排

(2) Could be observed: 可以观察到

(3) Particular section: 特定部分

(4) Being established: 正在建立

(5) Was directed: 被指引

(6) Adjacent: 临近的

(7) Atop: 在…之上

(8) Wherein: 其中

(9) Staircase: 楼梯

(10) Easternmost: 最东端的

(11) Substantial improvements: 显著改善

(12) Relocated: 重新安置

(13) Transferred to: 转移到

(14) A newly opened: 新开设的

(15) A four-story structure: 一栋四层建筑

(16) From the lowest to the highest level: 从最低层到最高层


The pie charts show the proportion of the energy produced from different sources in a country between 1985 and 2003.




2. 思路提纲



The pie charts illustrate the shares of energy generated from various sources in a nation in two separate years.


All in all, the majority of energy produced originated from oil in both years, whereas other renewable sources contributed the smallest proportion of the aggregate amount in 1985 and 2003, along with hydrogen in the final year.


Initially, 52% of energy production was from oil, whilst merely 1% was made from other renewable sources. Nuclear power contributed a sizeable percentage of 22%, which was less than twice that of natural gas. As for coal, its proportion (8%) was precisely double that of hydrogen.


However, eight years later, considerable reduction was seen in the share of oil to 39%. While the figure for nuclear power decreased as well, reaching 17%, those for natural gas and coal ascended by 10% and 5%, successively. Concerning other renewable sources, it experienced an increment and became equal with the portion of hydrogen, which was unvaried at 4%.


Word Count: 161


4. 高分词汇或表达


(1) Generated: 产生

(2) Originated: 源自

(3) Aggregate amount: 总量

(4) Sizeable: 可观的

(5) Precisely double: 正好是两倍

(6) Whilst:

(7) Considerable reduction: 大幅减少

(8) Ascended: 上升

(9) Successively: 依次

(10) Concerning: 关于

(11) Increment: 增加

(12) Unvaried: 未变

(13) Became equal with the portion of: 与……的比例相等

(14) Was unvaried: 保持不变