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本周小作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:10月18日-24日


1. 题目和图片

This bar chart below shows the UK citizens' expenditure by age group in 2004.


2. 思路提纲


3. 高分范文示例

The bar graph displays the rates of expenses for various categories of products and services of individuals in various age brackets in 2004.

Overall, among the different age ranges, entertainment received the highest allocation, excluding the oldest group who mainly directed their funds toward food and drinks. On the contrary, except for the youngest one, the lowest level of outlay belonged to restaurants and hotels.

Specifically, the rates of spending on food and drinks consistently climbed with age, from 6% for individuals aged under 30 to slightly above 16% for those 75 and above. In comparison, the youngest age group’s expense on entertainment accounted for 11% or thereabouts, while for those 64 to 74 years old, they allocated around 16% on this. Noticeably, the oldest group spent significantly less on entertainment, with only 6% of their budget devoted to this category.

By contrast, the amount expended on restaurants and hotels primarily declined with the growth in age, with less than 10% shared by citizens aged 30 and below. As for those 35-49-year-olds, they spent 6% of their funds on this aspect, which was identical to the levels of 50-64 and 64-74-year-olds. This amount was 2% higher than that of the 75 and older cohort.


Word Count: 204

4. 高分词汇或表达

(1) categories of products and services: 产品和服务类别

(2) mainly directed their funds: 主要用于资金分配

(3) age brackets: 年龄区间

(4) allocation: 分配

(5) outlay: 支出

(6) accounted for: 占据

(7) or thereabouts: 或左右

(8) noticeably: 明显地

(9) expended: 支出

(10) primarily: 主要

(11) allocated: 分配

(12) identical: 相同的

(13) expense on: ...上的开支

(14) further reduced: 进一步减少

(15) On the contrary: 相反

(16) Specifically: 具体来说

(17) consistently climbed: 持续上升

(18) spent significantly less: 支出显著减少

(19) budget devoted: 预算分配

(20) 75 and older cohort: 75岁及以上的群体

1. 题目和图片

This line graph below shows the change in Japanese average monthly salary and the price of two kinds of TV sets from 1953 to 1973.




2. 思路提纲


3. 高分范文示例

The line chart compares the variations in the average compensation each month in Japan with the costs of two types of television in two decades.


Generally, while the average monthly pay of employees experienced an upward inclination, the amounts needed to purchase any of the two kinds of TV sets had different levels of downtrend.


In particular, in 1953, the price of black and white TV was around 200 yen, but in the following years, it drastically lessened, reaching approximately 60 yen in 1973. As for color TV, it became available in the market in around 1963, costing 200 yen, as well. Nonetheless, it underwent a consistent reduction until 1973, ending at 100 yen.


On the other hand, the wages of employed individuals per month were merely approaching 20 yen at first. However, it had an ascending tendency, surpassing the prices of black and white and color TV before 1968 and 1970, successively before it peaked at 200 yen in the end.


Word Count: 162


4. 高分词汇或表达


(1) variations: 变化

(2) compensation: 补偿/薪酬

(3) upward inclination: 上升趋势

(4) In particular: 特别是

(5) amounts needed to purchase: 购买所需金额

(6) downtrend: 下降趋势

(7) drastically lessened: 急剧减少

(8) costing: 成本/花费

(9) underwent consistent reduction: 经历了持续下降

(10) ascending tendency: 上升趋势

(11) successively: 连续地

(12) became available in the market: 上市

(13) were merely approaching: 仅接近

(14) peaked at: 达到...的峰值


These two maps clearly show how a coastal town developed between 1950 ans 2007.









There are two maps that describe the initial layout of a coastal town in 1950 and the changes that had taken place until 2007.


To be specific, in 1950, the southern area of the town was occupied by grassland, situated on both sides of the road, which proceeded to the sea on the north. To the west of the sea was an industrial area, while a car park was positioned at the end of an eastern branch road connected to the main road.


In 2007, however, the grasslands and industrial zone completely disappeared. To the southernmost part, there was a cinema in the west and houses were present in the east, and shops were opened on both sides of the unvaried road. Adjacent to the stores on the west was a multi-level parking space, and not far from it was a swimming pool. A yacht marina was added by the sea, with apartments to the east of it and a park on the northwest.


To sum up, within the given timespan, noticeable developments occurred in this coastal town, with most of the original structures being replaced. Additionally, entertainment facilities and residential places were established.


Word Count: 184



(1) proceeded: 继续

(2) was positioned: 被定位

(3) an eastern branch road: 一条东支路

(4) southernmost: 最南端的

(5) unvaried: 不变的

(6) Adjacent to: 临近

(7) multi-level: 多层的

(8) timespan: 时间跨度

(9) original structures: 原始结构

(10) were established: 被建立

(11) To sum up: 总结

(12) noticeable developments: 显著的发展

(13) Additionally: 此外

(14) entertainment facilities: 娱乐设施

(15) residential places: 居住场所