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本周小作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:8月16日-8月22日




The first chart below shows the value of goods that Australia imported from China and those exported to China from Australia. The second chart shows the types of goods imported from China. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

2. 思路提纲


Given are bar graphs that compare the export figures of merchandise that from China to Australia and those that were traded to China from Australia in seven subsequent years, along with the categories of imported commodities in two consecutive years.


Generally, both the levels of imports and exports experienced upward tendencies. Furthermore, barring the value of clothes, those of the distinct types of goods had uptrends at varying degrees.


Regarding the worth of imported and exported goods between China and Australia, the former was always more considerable than the latter. Both of them climbed consistently from $20 billion and $10 billion in 1998 to $40 billion and $30 billion in 2004, successively.


As for the kinds of commodities, the value of clothes was unchanged at $4 billion between 2003 and 2004. In contrast, the export figures for computers and furniture were equal in both years, ascending by merely $1 billion to $6 billion, individually. By comparison, the amounts of growth in the levels of toys/sports equipment and telecommunication devices were nearly identical at roughly $5 billion, from $2 and approximately $3 billion, correspondingly.


Word Count: 177


4. 高分词汇或表达


(1) The export figures of merchandise: 商品的出口数据

(2) Imported commodities: 进口商品

(3) Consecutive years: 连续的年份

(4) Barring: 除了

(5) Uptrends: 上升趋势

(6) More considerable: 更显著的

(7) Successively: 连续地

(8) Ascending: 上升的

(9) Devices: 设备

(10) Nearly identical: 几乎相同的


This line graph below shows the change in spending for renewable energy per person in four countries from 1975 to 2000

2. 思路提纲


The line chart displays the variations in the amounts allocated to renewable energy per capita in various nations within a span of two and a half decades.


All in all, the figures for all countries experienced primarily upward tendencies, with the growth in that of Switzerland being the most noticeable and those for Spain and the UK being the slightest.


In particular, in 1975, the data of expenses on renewable energy in various places were equal at 0 dollars, separately. Nonetheless, the amount spent on renewable energy in Switzerland soared, arriving at 5 dollars per person in 2000, when it dominated the others. Concerning Denmark, it experienced an increment to approximately 1.5 dollars in 1980 but leveled off for 10 years before rising substantially to nearly 3.5 dollars in the end.


By comparison, the amounts expended on the aforementioned type of energy in Spain and the UK had trivial increases to around 0.2 dollars, individually in 1980. Then then they minimally lessened from 1980 onwards until almost no budget was allocated to this. 


Word Count: 173


4. 高分词汇或表达


(1) Variations: 变化

(2) Within a span of: 在……期间

(3) All in all: 总的来说

(4) Expenses: 支出

(5) By comparison: 相比之下

(6) Expended: 花费

(7) Rising substantially: 大幅上升

(8) Equal: 相等的

(9) Dominated: 主导

(10) The slightest: 最小的

(11) Concerning: 关于

(12) Experienced an increment: 经历了增加

(13) Aforementioned: 上述的

(14) Trivial: 微不足道的

(15) Lessened: 减少了

(16) Onwards: 之后

(17) Almost no budget was allocated: 几乎没有分配预算


The pictures below shows the differences of the layout of a conference center between the present and its future plan. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

2. 思路提纲


The maps illustrate the current design of a conference center and the proposed plan for later years.


Overall, although the general layout of the area will be maintained, some facilities will be added and certain amenities will be relocated, with most changes focusing on the spaces occupied.


At present, the conference center is to the north of a road proceeding from the east to the west. A wide car park, with a small garden to its north, is situated in the eastern region. In the opposite section, there is a hall next to two meeting rooms in the westernmost side, and to their south are a toilet, a reception, and a cafe, arranged from the west to the east, respectively.


In the future, the expanse of the car park will be smaller, whereas the garden will be larger. Also, the hall will be reduced, with its northern part being occupied by a cafe with an adjacent kitchen. There will be one more meeting room but the sizes of the three are planned to be considerably less. The toilet and reception will be unaltered. but a fitness center is going to take the original place of the coffee shop.


Word Count: 198

4. 高分词汇或表达



(1) The current design: 当前的设计

(2) Proposed plan: 提议的计划

(3) Are planned to be: 计划被

(4) Is going to take: 将要占据

(5) Be relocated: 被重新安置

(6) Situated in the eastern region: 位于东部区域

(7) With its northern part being occupied by: 北部被……占据

(8) Eastern section: 东部部分

(9) Later years: 后来的年份

(10) Most changes focusing on the spaces occupied: 大多数变化集中在已占用的空间

(11) Will be maintained: 将保持不变

(12) Proceeding from the east to the west: 从东到西延伸

(13) The westernmost side: 最西侧

(14) Expanse: 面积

(15) Adjacent: 相邻的

(16) Considerably less: 明显减少

(17) Unaltered: 保持不变