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1. 题目及其大意

Because of traffic and housing problems in the cities, the government encourages business move to the rural area. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 

2. 思路提纲

3. 高分范文示例

Nowadays, urban centers are facing worsening traffic and accommodation issues. Hence, in order to resolve these dilemmas, the authorities suggest that enterprises relocate their offices and factories to the suburbs. I believe this proposal has more benefits than drawbacks based on the following discussions.


On the one hand, one notable advantage of business relocation to rural sites is alleviating traffic jams in cities. As more and more people move to metropolises primarily for better job opportunities, the city population expands, causing severe road congestion due to massive daily commutes. However, if businesses move to rural areas, rural dwellers will be less likely to move to metropolitan sites for work, thus minimizing the number of vehicles on city roads and effectively reducing city traffic congestion.


Another benefit worth considering is economic growth in rural regions. To be more specific, the influx of commercial entities in rural places will definitely lead to higher employment rates and revenue. These stimulate economic activities, helping reduce social disparities.


On the other hand, a significant drawback to consider is environmental destruction. The arrival of companies in the countryside will lead to the loss of animal habitats, not to mention human living spaces. As land for accommodation and animal dwellings is utilized for industrial activities, pollution and loss of wildlife diversity become major challenges.


In conclusion, although it cannot be denied that the movement of companies from urban to provincial areas may bring detriments to the environment, the merits it brings, namely, alleviated road congestion and economic boosts, outweigh the demerits.


Word count: 254


4. 高分词汇或表达

(1) Urban centers:城市中心

(2) Worsening traffic and accommodation issues:日益严重的交通和住宿问题

(3) Resolve these dilemmas:解决这些难题

(4) One notable advantage of business relocation:企业搬迁的一个显著优势

(5) Alleviating traffic jams in cities:缓解城市交通拥堵

(6) Massive daily commutes:大量的日常通勤

(7) Another benefit worth considering:另一个值得考虑的好处

(8) Influx of commercial entities:商业实体的涌入

(9) Stimulate economic activities:刺激经济活动

(10) Reduce social disparities:减少社会差距

(11) The arrival of companies in the countryside:公司进入乡村

(12) Pollution and loss of wildlife diversity become major challenges:污染和野生动物多样性的丧失成为主要挑战

(13) Alleviated road congestion and economic boosts:缓解的道路拥堵和经济增长

(14) City population expands:城市人口扩张

(15) Severe road congestion:严重的道路拥堵

1. 题目及其大意

Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a robbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. 思路提纲

3. 高分范文示例

Nowadays, whether juvenile delinquents should receive the same punishments as mature offenders remains a subject of heavy debate in society. While I acknowledge the potential benefits of deterrence in this proposal, I strongly believe that authorities should impose different penalties on young offenders.


On the one hand, it is crucial to recognize that young wrongdoers are still in a critical stage of psychological and emotional development. Given this, we can expect that they may misbehave and imitate unlawful behavior they see on social media or watch on TV, such as robbery and violence. Thus, giving them the same punishments as adults fails to consider these significant developmental factors and may be deemed unfair.


Moreover, I believe that the main goal of any reliable judicial system is to rehabilitate rather than merely to punish. Instead of debating the types of punishments for underage offenders, governments should focus on educational and counseling programs to reform teenage criminals. By doing so, countries can help reduce recidivism rates among young individuals and ensure that they become productive and respectful citizens.


Nevertheless, I acknowledge the importance of similar punishments in the context of crime prevention. It cannot be denied that some teenagers use their age as an excuse to avoid strict punishment. Therefore, in cases where the crimes are particularly heinous, they should receive similar penalties as adult criminals. This approach would ensure that they take the law seriously and fear significant consequences if they break it.


In conclusion, I strongly believe that imposing similar punishments is not a reasonable or effective measure. A justice system that considers the age and circumstances of minor offenders is necessary to effectively address juvenile delinquency.


Word count: 277

4. 高分词汇或表达


(1) Juvenile delinquents: 青少年罪犯

(2) Mature offenders: 成熟的罪犯

(3) Deterrence:威慑

(4) Impose different penalties: 施加不同的惩罚

(5) It is crucial to recognize that young wrongdoers: 至关重要的是认识到青少年犯罪者:

(6) Imitate unlawful behavior: 模仿违法行为

(7) And may be deemed unfair:并且可能被认为是不公平的

(8) Reliable judicial system: 可靠的司法系统

(9) Bating the types of punishments for underage offenders: 为未成年罪犯调整惩罚类型

(10) Teenage criminals: 青少年犯罪者

(11) Recidivism rates: 再犯率

(12) In the context of crime prevention: 在犯罪预防的背景下

(13) Avoid strict punishment: 避免严格的惩罚

(14) Heinous: 恶性的

(15) Fear significant consequences: 恐惧严重的后果

(16) Imposing similar punishments: 施加类似的惩罚

(17) To effectively address juvenile delinquency: 以有效解决青少年犯罪

(18) A critical stage of psychological and emotional development: 心理和情感发展的关键阶段

(19) Misbehave: 行为不当

(20) To rehabilitate: 改造

(21) Counseling programs: 咨询项目

(22) It cannot be denied that: 不可否认的是:

(23) Use their age as an excuse: 以年龄作为借口


Employers should give their staff at least a 4-week holiday a year to make employees better at their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



It is suggested that company owners should offer a month-long time off to their workers since this is necessary for their staff’s work performance. I opine that such proposal is both beneficial and detrimental.

On the one hand, I cannot deny that a four-week holiday is a stress reliever. With the economic growth, employees have to work overtime. In this case, they need to relieve themselves from stress either through traveling or participating in non-work-related activities so they can perform better when they get back. Another reason is the improvement of family relationships. Many times, working parents have to work every day, with weekends sometimes included. As a result, they cannot spend quality time with their children. With four weeks of holiday, mothers and fathers can not only rest but also have more time to take care of their children, which makes them happy and are more motivated to perform well at work after the holiday.

On the other hand, this policy may also bring several drawbacks, one of which is unemployment. Usually, by the time the holiday ends, workers cannot adjust to their usual work routines. Because they have long been unexposed to work processes, their productivity rates become slow. When this happens, some employers will not tolerate such tardiness and fire tardy workers who just returned from their vacation. Also worth considering are production delays. With most employees on vacation, essential tasks may be halted, which can adversely affect the companies' revenues.

In conclusion, I admit that paid leaves amounting to thirty days or more can allow workers to de-stress and spend time with their loved ones. However, it can also be risky in terms of employment and the company’s profits. 

Word count: 283


Vocabularies and expressions:

1. a month-long time off 一个月的休息时间

2. contemplate 考虑

3. I opine that我认为

4. family relationships家庭关系

5. both beneficial and detrimental既有益又有害

6. stress reliever减压药

7. economic growth经济增长

8. relieve themselves from stress 缓解压力

9. in favor of 赞成

10. long holiday 长假

11. by the time the holiday ends假期结束时

12. have long been unexposed to work processes 长期未接触工作流程

13. productivity rates生产率

14. tolerate 容忍

15. tardiness迟到

16. tardy 缓慢

17. worth considering值得考虑

18. may be halted可能已停止

19. adversely affect 不利影响

20. paid leaves 带薪休假

21. amounting to总计

22. de-stress减压