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本周大作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:8月16日-8月22日



Some people say that the government should regard health care as the first priority, but some others believe that there are more important priorities to spend the tax payers' money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.  

2. 思路提纲


Currently, there is an ongoing discussion about whether the authorities should prioritize citizens’ health or utilize the taxes they collect for other essential sectors. I opine that both sides have merits.


On the one hand, some people advocate prioritizing health care because access to quality health services is a basic human right. If people regularly pay their taxes and their leaders ignore their health needs, it constitutes a significant neglect of government responsibility. Moreover, a country lacking adequate health care provisions, such as free check-ups and vaccines, is unlikely to function well. Specifically, insufficient hospitals, medical professionals, medicines, and treatments can lead to increased cases of epidemics and deaths. In contrast, a healthier populace can boost the economy, as they are more productive and less frequently ill.


On the other hand, it cannot be denied that countries also face pressing issues beyond health care, such as inadequate education. If the government fails to invest in this sector, the economy and the country's level of innovation may suffer. By using taxpayers' money to purchase updated educational tools, renovate schools, build new ones, and increase teachers’ salaries, economic growth and innovation are likely to follow. Furthermore, infrastructure development is also crucial. Daily, we rely on public transportation, railways, and roads. If these are adequate and effectively maintained, countries can obtain economic development and gain numerous conveniences since it reduces risk of accidents and improves travel time.


In conclusion, while it is undeniable that health care should be given significant priority due to its role in ensuring a basic human right and supporting a country’s effective functioning, I concur that federal leaders should also invest in other areas such as infrastructure and education.


Word count: 280


(1) There is an ongoing discussion : 存在持续的讨论

(2) Utilize the taxes they collect : 如何利用他们征收的税款

(3) I opine that both sides have merits : 我认为这两种观点都有其优点

(4) Some people advocate prioritizing health care : 一些人主张将医疗保健置于优先位置

(5) It constitutes a significant neglect of government responsibility : 这构成了对政府责任的重大忽视

(6) Increased cases of epidemics and deaths : 疫情和死亡病例增加

(7) Healthier populace leads to less frequent illness : 更健康的民众导致生病频率降低

(8) Pressing issues such as education and infrastructure also need attention : 其他紧迫问题如教育和基础设施也需要关注

(9) Investment in these areas can lead to economic development and innovation : 在这些领域的投资可以促进经济发展和创新

(10) While it is undeniable that health care is crucial for a country’s effective functioning : 虽然不可否认医疗保健对于国家有效运作至关重要

(11) I concur that a balanced approach is necessary : 我同意需要采取平衡的方法


In many countries, a higher proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. What are the causes of this phenomenon? And what measures could be taken for reducing the crime rate?



Nowadays, countless nations are facing a higher rate of juvenile delinquency. Various reasons contribute to this phenomenon, but several measures can be adopted to address it.


To commence the discussion, one of the major factors causing the higher proportion of teenage criminals is poor parental guidance. In today’s rapidly developing society, both parents often work full-time, leading to neglect of their children. This lack of supervision means they fail to observe their children’s behavior and reprimand them when necessary. Another reason is peer influence. As parents are heavily occupied by their jobs and children spend more time with peers in school and outdoors, they may imitate delinquent behaviors such as stealing, bullying, and more.


Thankfully, there are measures society can adopt to reduce the number of crimes involving teenagers, one of which is education from home. No matter how busy parents are, it is their responsibility to raise their children and teach them good morals. If they fail to prioritize their child due to their schedule, a vicious cycle of juvenile crime may continue. Teachers should also play a role in mitigating teenage crime. They should strive to identify students who may be at risk of engaging in unlawful acts or who are victims of peer pressure. If teachers are also involved in preventing teenage misdemeanors, underlying issues can be addressed more effectively.


In conclusion, I believe that the high rate of juvenile offenses can largely be attributed to poor parental guidance and peer influence. Considering these primary factors behind youth crime, teachers and parents should make concerted efforts to reduce the number of young offenders.

Word count: 266


(1) Countless nations are facing a higher rate of juvenile delinquency (无数国家正面临更高的青少年犯罪率)

(2) Several measures can be adopted (可以采取几项措施)

(3) To commence the discussion (开始讨论)

(4) Higher proportion of teenage criminals (青少年犯罪者的比例较高)

(5) Poor parental guidance (父母指导不力)

(6) Rapidly developing society (快速发展的社会)

(7) Leading to neglect of their children (导致忽视孩子)

(8) Peer influence (同伴影响)

(9) Delinquent behaviors (犯罪行为)

(10) A vicious cycle of juvenile crime (青少年犯罪的恶性循环)

(11) Mitigating teenage crime (减轻青少年犯罪)

(12) Engaging in unlawful acts (从事非法行为)

(13) Preventing teenage misdemeanors (防止青少年轻罪)

(14) High rate of juvenile offenses (高发的青少年犯罪率)

(15) Can largely be attributed to poor parental guidance and peer influence (主要归因于父母指导不力和同伴影响)

(16) Make concerted efforts (共同努力)

(17) Young offenders (年轻犯罪者)

(18) Adopt (采取)

(19) Good morals (良好的道德)

(20) Fail to prioritize their child due to their schedule (由于日程安排未能优先考虑孩子)