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本周大作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:8月23日-8月29日


1、题目及其大意 Some people think governments should focus more on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and diseases. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 



In recent years, there has been an increasing debate about whether the authorities should concentrate more on addressing environmental contamination and housing issues to avert health challenges. I strongly agree with this assertion.


On the one hand, environmental pollution is recognized as a significant threat to human health. For example, studies show that polluted air, water, and soil can lead to a range of health problems. Therefore, by focusing on mitigating environmental pollutants, fewer people would suffer from respiratory diseases, cardiovascular illnesses, and various types of cancer.


Similarly, I noticed that inadequate and poor housing conditions are also linked to health issues. A recent study suggests that poorly maintained houses, particularly those located in depressed areas, with visible mold, overcrowding, and poor ventilation, can lead to numerous illnesses, such as asthma, allergic reactions, and infections. By concentrating on improving housing infrastructure and providing healthier living environments, especially for low-income families, health risks can be significantly reduced.


On the other hand, while pollution and housing are extremely important factors in public health, as discussed above, I am sure that preventive measures also play a crucial role. For instance, vaccination programs have been proven effective in preventing health problems. This was particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, when government-provided vaccines successfully managed the spread of the disease.


In conclusion, while I agree that reducing environmental contaminants and improving housing conditions are crucial for preventing illness, I am also convinced that additional measures, such as preventive health practices, are necessary to further enhance public health.


Word count: 252


(1) there has been an increasing debate 关于...的讨论日益增多

(2) addressing environmental contamination解决环境污染

(3) housing issues住房问题

(4) avert health challenges避免健康挑战

(5) be recognized as被认定为

(6) I strongly agree with this assertion我强烈同意这一观点

(7) significant threat to human health对人类健康的重大威胁

(8) by focusing on mitigating environmental pollutants通过专注于减轻环境污染物

(9) inadequate and poor housing conditions不足和恶劣的住房条件

(10) poorly maintained houses维护不善的房屋

(11) improving housing infrastructure and providing healthier living environments

(12) 改善住房基础设施和提供更健康的生活环境

(13) preventive measures预防措施

(14) This was particularly evident这一点尤为明显

(15) reducing environmental contaminants减少环境污染物

(16) such as preventive health practices如预防健康措施

(17) low-income families低收入家庭

(18) health risks健康风险

(19) proven effective被证明有效

(20) successfully managed成功管理

(21) spread of the disease疾病传播


An increasing number of people are changing their careers. What are the reasons? Do you think it is positive or negative?



Nowadays, more and more individuals are changing jobs. This is driven by various reasons, and I consider this trend to be largely positive.


One of the main reasons for career shifts is the pursuit of better financial opportunities. When workers feel that their current employment does not provide adequate income to meet their needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, and recreation, they are likely to seek jobs that offer a higher pay. Another reason is the quest for a better work-life balance. Often, people find their current jobs too overwhelming and highly demanding, leaving them with little time for rest or family affairs. As a result, they change careers in the hope of finding positions that offer more flexibility and less stress.


Although frequent career changes may negatively impact a person's reputation, making them appear less committed, there are notable positives, such as a greater sense of fulfillment. As individuals change jobs, they discover occupations that align more closely with their passions. This increased job satisfaction can result in a higher level of happiness and a better quality of life. Additionally, career shifts can provide an economic boost. As people move into emerging industries or roles with a higher demand, these sectors benefit from increased manpower, leading to higher productivity and revenue.


In conclusion, individuals often change careers for financial stability and improved work-life balance. While this might sometimes be perceived as a lack of commitment, I believe it is a positive trend when considering job satisfaction and economic growth.


Word count: 251



(1) This is driven by various reasons这是由各种原因驱动的

(2) largely positive在很大程度上是积极的

(3) career shifts职业转变

(4) pursuit of better financial opportunities追求更好的经济机会

(5) quest for a better work-life balance追求更好的工作与生活平衡

(6) in the hope of finding positions that offer more flexibility and less stress希望找到提供更多灵活性和更少压力的职位

(7) negatively impact产生负面影响

(8) notable positives显著的积极因素

(9) align more closely with their passions与他们的激情更紧密对接

(10) economic boost经济上的提升

(11) increased manpower增加的人力资源

(12) sometimes be perceived as a lack of commitment有时被视为缺乏承诺

(13) seek jobs寻找工作

(14) offer a higher pay提供更高的薪资

(15) too overwhelming过于繁重

(16) highly demanding要求过高

(17) person's reputation人声誉

(18) a greater sense of fulfillment更大的成就感

(19) a higher level of happiness更高的幸福感

(20) career shifts职业转变

(21) higher productivity更高的生产力

(22) appear less committed显得不够投入