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本周小作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:8月30日-9月5日



percentages of the Internet users in 5 different age groups in the UK from 2003 to 2006





The line graph depicts rates of internet usage within 5 age brackets in the UK for 4 years.


Overall, unlike the youngest and oldest survey respondents who manifested unstable internet utilization, those in their 24-64s tended to increasingly use this technology. Moreover, figures revealed that as the age of users in the said area increased, their internet use reduced.


To be specific, 70% of those 16-24-year-old British citizens used the internet in 2003, and this jumped to approximately 84% in 2005. Afterwards, the figure dropped to about 75% in 2006. A similar trend was seen among those aged 65 and above as their ratio played around 15% over the years, although it peaked at almost 20% in 2004.


Furthermore, a 10% increase in the Internet usage was seen in each of British citizens from the 25-34 and 45-64 age brackets, finalizing at about 74% and roughly 48% respectively in 2006. On the other hand, an almost 8% growth was observed in the 35-44 age group, reaching around 66% in the final period.





(1) Brackets: 括号

(2) Overall: 总体来说

(3) Recorded: 记录

(4) Categorized: 分类

(5) Manifested: 表现出

(6) Unstable: 不稳定的

(7) Utilization: 利用/使用

(8) Tended: 倾向于

(9) Increasingly: 越来越多地

(10) Revealed: 显示/揭示

(11) To be specific: 具体来说

(12) On the other hand: 另一方面

(13) Observed: 观察到

(14) A 10% increase: 增长10%

(15) Finalizing: 最终定格

(16) Respectively: 分别

(17) In the final period: 在最后阶段


These lines below show the percentages of people using public transports and private cars between 2000 and 2010



The line graphs compare the rates of individuals employing public transport and private vehicles in five nations in a decade.


Generally, from 2000 to 2010, the figures for people using the two means of transport displayed sharp oscillations in all countries, although the range of variations of each of them differed.


Concerning mass transit, Denmark had the highest level, which climbed to its peak of almost 55% in 2006 before falling back to the initial figure of 40% in 2010. This end data was also reached by that in Australia although it was the lowest in most years, fluctuating upwards from 20%. As for the rates of those taking public transport in the UK, China, and the USA, with initial levels ranging between about 25% and 35%, they had ups and downs before ending at no lower than 30%, separately.


Regarding private cars, Denmark and Australia also had the biggest and smallest percentages, varying between 35% and 55% and below 20% and 30%, successively. Despite oscillating, the US had the same first and final rates of car users (20%), while the remaining countries culminated with higher levels of 36% or thereabouts, individually.


Word Count: 192



(1) Employing: 使用

(2) In a decade: 在十年间

(3) Sharp oscillations: 明显的波动

(4) Range of variations: 变化范围

(5) Differed: 有所不同

(6) Concerning: 关于

(7) Mass transit: 大众交通

(8) Ups and downs: 起伏

(9) No lower than: 不低于

(10) Regarding: 关于

(11) Successively: 依次

(12) Despite: 尽管

(13) Culminated with: 达到

(14) Or thereabouts: 或左右

(15) Individually: 各自

Despite oscillating: 尽管波动


The diagram below shows the development of a particular area between 1965 and the present day.



Given are maps that illustrate the changes in a certain region from 1965 until the current year.


Generally, the area has become a residential district, with more residences and transport infrastructures being erected.


In the initial year, the northeast section of Assford was occupied by houses, with a road leading to the river, flowing from the north to the south and where ferries could pass. On the opposite side of the river, there was another path, and trees could be seen in the northwest.


Nowadays, the residential places remain in the same location but their number has ascended and the expanse that they take up has widened. Apartment buildings have been constructed at the northern end of the river, with a car park adjacent to it. At the southern end of the river, additional parking areas and a footbridge were planned for 2010, and the latter is parallel to a road bridge that crosses this body of water. A parking space is in the northwest, with the trees being removed.


Word Count: 171



(1) Certain: 确定的

(2) A residential district: 住宅区

(3) Transport infrastructures: 交通基础设施

(4) Being erected: 正在建造

(5) In the initial year: 在最初的年份

(6) Another path: 另一条道路

(7) Has ascended: 已经上升

(8) Expanse: 面积

(9) Has widened: 已经扩大

(10) Adjacent: 临近的

(11) Parallel: 平行的

(12) This body of water: 这片水域