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本周大作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:8月30日-9月5日




The government money should be invested in teaching science rather than other subjects so as to help a country make progress and develop. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Currently, there is a heated debate about how public funding should be allocated to promote national progress, specifically whether it should be directed towards science education or the learning of other courses. I agree that both deserve equal investment, as outlined in the following points.


On the one hand, I am sure that investing in teaching science can bring numerous benefits to a country, particularly in terms of technological advancements. Studies show that countries like Japan and Germany, which have invested heavily in science education, have achieved significant technological breakthroughs that are essential for improving healthcare, transportation, infrastructures, and other sectors. These advancements contribute to a progressive economy and lead to a higher standard of living for everyone.


On the other hand, I am also convinced that focusing solely on science education could lead to social issues. While science is undeniably important, other subjects such as arts, history, and literature should also be included in the school curriculum. A lack of exposure to these subjects can diminish people's creative and critical thinking skills. For example, the arts have been proven to encourage creativity, while the history subject teaches valuable lessons in morality. If schools exclude such areas from the curriculum, we risk building a society rich in scientific knowledge but lacking in creativity and ethical understanding.


In conclusion, while I concur that investing in scientific disciplines is crucial for economic growth, this should not come at the expense of other fields of study. I am definite that a balanced approach is necessary to foster a well-rounded society.


Word count: 257



(1) Heated debate: 激烈的辩论

(2) How public funding should be allocated to promote national progress: 如何分配公共资金以促进国家进步

(3) Whether it should be directed towards science education or the learning of other courses: 是否应将其投入科学教育或其他课程学习

(4) Both deserve equal investment: 两者都值得同等投资

(5) As outlined in the following points: 如以下几点所述

(6) Invested heavily: 大量投资

(7) Significant technological breakthroughs: 重要的技术突破

(8) Contribute to a progressive economy: 促进进步的经济

(9) Focusing solely: 仅专注于

(10) A lack of exposure: 缺乏接触

(11) Diminish people's creative and critical thinking skills: 削弱人们的创造性和批判性思维技能

(12) Valuable lessons in morality: 有价值的道德课程

(13) Schools exclude such areas from the curriculum: 学校将这些领域排除在课程之外


Many people do not feel safe either at home or they are out. What are the causes, and what can be done to make people feel safer?



Nowadays, more and more individuals feel unsafe whether they are indoors or outdoors. Various reasons are behind this, and there are certain measures that can be adopted to increase citizens’ sense of safety.


A possible reason for this lack of safety is the rise in crime rates. Various unlawful acts, from assault and burglary to rape and murder, are frequently witnessed in many areas and are reported by news channels daily. This constant exposure leads people to feel insecure whether they are at home or outside. Another reason is the sensationalized news all over social media. In pursuit of more clicks and likes, some people exaggerate news reports and even share fake news to incite fear among individuals. The more sensationalized a piece of news is, the more attention it gets. Repeated exposure to this type of negative news can contribute to a heightened feeling of insecurity.


Thankfully, there are ways to make people feel safer, one of which is increasing police visibility. Statistics show that in numerous areas where there is a regular presence of law enforcement, crime rates are low to non-existent. Another solution is balanced reporting across all forms of media, whether TV, print, radio, or the Internet. Both news organizations and internet users should be responsible when posting news online, avoiding exaggeration and focusing not only on negative events but also on positive ones. By presenting a more balanced view, people will feel less vulnerable.


In conclusion, several factors contribute to people’s feelings of danger in both their homes and public spaces, such as increased crime rates and news sensationalism. Fortunately, the presence of law enforcement and balanced reporting can help increase residents' sense of safety.


Word count: 280


Some people think young people should be required to have full time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 



In contemporary society, it is highly claimed these days that students should better complete a minimum of 18 years at school to safeguard their future. While a long period of being educated by teachers is crucial, I also somewhat disagree with such a notion.


On the one hand, I do not deny the obvious merit of full-time study until 18 years of age. Specifically, as regards career growth, holding at least a high school diploma is a  fundament to acquiring a decent job. These days, numerous employers are extremely particular with a solid educational background, especially those who are well-informed about the general knowledge, such as math, English, or technical skills, needed for a job. They least prefer early school leavers. Instead, they prioritize hiring those who pursued higher education or at least completed 18 years in school. 


On the other hand, the above is not for me to say that full-time education guarantees employment or a stable future. In fact, some children may not be at all fond of long-time study but have the capacity to embark on working earlier, and thereafter succeed, than their peers. For example, my cousin Janet left school when she was 16. Now, despite her inability to fulfill at least 18 years in the academe, she is now a renowned chef in her country.



In conclusion, I concur that the decision to make, whether to pursue full-time education until the age of 18 or not, depends on youngsters’ ability and unique circumstances. Those who chase better and more secure career opportunities must proceed with full-time education, while others who are less interested in further study may opt to leave school early.


Word count: 277


1. In contemporary society当代社会

2. highly claimed 高度索赔

3. to safeguard their future保护他们的未来

4. somewhat disagree with such notion有点不同意这种观点

5. as regards career growth关于职业发展

6. fundament to acquiring a decent job获得一份体面工作的基础

7. solid educational background坚实的教育背景

8. well-informed消息灵通的

9. general knowledge常识

10. technical skills技术技能

11. fond of 喜欢

12. long-time study长期研究

13. embark on 开始

14. despite her inability to fulfill 尽管她无法履行

15. renowned  著名

16. I concur that 我同意这一点

17. chase 追逐

18. more secure career opportunities 更安全的职业机会

19. proceed进行

20. opt to 选择