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本周大作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:9月6日-9月12日



It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. We can learn as much as from books, films and internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Due to the rapid advancement of technology, fewer and fewer people are embarking on a journey and instead are relying on traveling books, movies, and websites. Because of this, some consider going places as futile. I partly agree with this notion based on the following reasons.


On the one hand, I admit that traveling virtually is cost-saving unlike doing it in person, rendering travels to learn cultures unnecessary. For example, innumerable books on traveling are heavily available, let alone films highlighting the best cultural and tourist spots in the world like Machu Picchu in Peru or the Eiffel Tower in Paris. All of these can be read in books and seen in movies. Additionally, the Internet is a haven of an unlimited travel blogs and videos for free, so thrifty travelers will find physical traveling unneeded when wanting to learn about various cultural backgrounds locally and abroad.


On the other hand, I must say too that the first-hand experience brought by physical traveling broadens one’s horizon. Taking the Great Wall of China as an example, it can easily be seen in books, but the details are often vague. Contrarily, up close, a traveler will see the intricacy of each wall, not to mention its length and its resemblance to a dragon; hence, it offers a real-life education and cultural learning. The feeling of being there in person strengthens our sense of happiness. Engaging in one’s culture, like trying out new cuisine and learning a new language, is totally fun and a form of stress relief rather than simply watching them films, so actual traveling remains vital for one’s wellbeing.


In conclusion, the convenience of virtual traveling is non-negligible, but for the sake of irreplaceable experience, I concur that traveling in person remains a necessity.



Word count: 294


(1) rapid advancement of technology技术的快速发展

(2) embarking on a journey 踏上旅程

(3) futile徒劳

(4) I partly agree with this notion 我部分同意这个想法

(5) rendering travels to learn cultures 渲染旅行以学习文化

(6) innumerable books 无数书籍

(7) thrifty travelers 节俭的旅行者

(8) let alone更不用说

(9) broadens one’s horizon 拓宽视野

(10) vague模糊 

(11) intricacy 复杂性

(12) non-negligible不可忽略

(13) cultural backgrounds文化背景

(14) I must say too that 我也必须说

(15) sense of happiness幸福感

(16) form of stress relief减压形式

(17) The feeling of being there身临其境的感觉

(18) first-hand experience 第一手经验

(19) real-life education现实生活中的教育

(20) brought by带来的

(21) wellbeing健康

(22) irreplaceable experience不可替代的体验

(23) I concur that我同意这一点


Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?



Nowadays, there is a growing public debate on whether ex-convicts should be the ones to talk to students about the perils of unlawful acts. I partly agree with this proposal.


On the one hand, I do not deny that former criminals who have been incarcerated possess extensive knowledge about crimes and their consequences. There is no greater storyteller than someone who has experienced a situation firsthand. Since former prisoners have faced the harsh realities of prison life, including restrictions, being separated from family, food scarcity, psychological instability, and more, their experiences, when shared with students, can effectively deter these young people from engaging in crime.


On the other hand, the above discussion does not mean that ex-prisoners are always the best spokespersons for talking about crimes, especially when considering the naivety of students. Students, particularly those in primary and secondary school, lack the maturity to thoroughly understand the different types of criminal activities and its unpleasant outcomes. In fact, a seemingly interesting story relayed by an ex-felon may inadvertently inspire some students to imitate their past actions, believing they will also eventually be released after serving time. This could undermine the original purpose of the speech, which is to inform students of the dangers of crime.


In conclusion, although I believe that reformed prisoners can be effective speakers due to their firsthand experience, failing to consider students’ immaturity may encourage, rather than discourage, criminal behavior. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance and carefully assess whether schools should choose rehabilitated offenders to give talks on the risks of engaging in criminal activities.

Word count: 263


(1) There is a growing public debate: 公众辩论日益增多

(2) Ex-convicts: 前罪犯

(3) Perils of unlawful acts: 非法行为的危险

(4) Former criminals who have been incarcerated: 曾被监禁的前罪犯

(5) Possess extensive knowledge: 拥有广泛的知识

(6) Harsh realities: 严酷的现实

(7) Food scarcity: 食物短缺

(8) Psychological instability: 心理不稳定

(9) Effectively deter: 有效阻止

(10) Naivety of students: 学生的天真

(11) Unpleasant outcomes: 不良后果

(12) Seemingly interesting story: 看似有趣的故事

(13) Inadvertently inspire: 无意中激发

(14) Undermine the original purpose of the speech: 削弱演讲的初衷

(15) Reformed prisoners: 改过自新的囚犯

(16) It is crucial to strike a balance: 平衡至关重要

(17) Rehabilitated offenders: 已康复的罪犯


Some say the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Nowadays, the real function of education is a topic of much debate among the public. In my opinion, while it cannot be denied that people pursue education to achieve their personal goals, I also believe that education is necessary for individuals to become valuable members of society.


On the one hand, when education is pursued with societal needs in mind, individuals aim to acquire knowledge related to professions that are in demand. For instance, rather than studying arts, which may not have direct societal benefits, students might choose fields such as medicine or technology. These areas are critical for every country, as professionals such as doctors and scientists are indispensable for maintaining a healthy and economically prosperous society.


On the other hand, it is not an exaggeration to say that individuals should be allowed to pursue their ambitions through education; after all, they are the ones who pay for their schooling. Given this, people should have the right to prioritize their interests and goals. By doing so, they are likely to be more motivated to study and innovate, which can ultimately bring significant benefits to society. For example, a student passionate about entrepreneurial studies may start his or her own business after graduation, contributing to the economy by creating jobs and offering products or services that meet consumer needs.


In conclusion, while I agree that education is important for achieving personal aspirations, I also believe that it should enable us to add value to society. Therefore, a well-rounded education, which addresses both personal and societal requirements, is crucial.


Word count: 258


(1) Real function of education: 教育的真正功能

(2) A topic of much debate: 一个广受争议的话题

(3) When education is pursued with societal needs in mind: 当教育是以社会需求为出发点进行时

(4) Critical: 关键的

(5) Indispensable: 不可或缺的

(6) Healthy and economically prosperous society: 健康且经济繁荣的社会

(7) It is not an exaggeration to say that: 这并不夸张地说

(8) Entrepreneurial studies: 创业学

(9) Creating jobs and offering products or services that meet consumer needs: 创造就业机会并提供满足消费者需求的产品或服务

(10) Achieving personal aspirations: 实现个人抱负

(11) Add value to society: 为社会增值

(12) Well-rounded education: 全面教育

(13) Personal and societal requirements: 个人和社会的需求