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本周小作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:9月6日-9月12日


1、 题目和图片



Given is a table that compares the total distance covered by rapid tramline in various nations in three separate years, spanning two decades.

Overall, China ended with the longest despite having no record at first, and this situation was the opposite of that in Japan, which initially had the most extensive length but eventually had the slightest. Generally, there was an increase in the length of high-speed tram tracks in those countries over the years. 

To be specific, in 1990, there was no high-speed tram track in China. Compared to that, such transport structure was already present in France and Japan, with a distance of 700 and 1,200, correspondingly.

Nonetheless, after 10 years, a track with a distance of 5,800 was established in China, and its length further extended in 2020, reaching 13,400. As for the other countries, the tramline in France was expanded by about threefold and surpassed that in Japan by 100, and the gap between them widened more in the final year, with the distances covered by them becoming longer, up to 3,900 and 3,600, respectively.

Word Count: 179


(1) the total distance covered: 总覆盖距离


(2) rapid tramline: 高速电车轨道


(3) spanning: 跨越


(4) despite: 尽管


(5) opposite: 相对


(6) Compared to that: 相比之下


(7) the most extensive: 最广泛的


(8) eventually: 最终


(9) the slightest: 最少的


(10) transport structure: 运输结构


(11) with a distance of: 长度为


(12) was established: 被建立


(13) surpassed: 超过


(14) expanded by about threefold: 扩展了大约三倍


(15) expanse: 范围


(16) widened: 扩大



The charts below show the distribution of the world's water and the use of water in three countries.



The pie charts illustrate information regarding water resources and the bar graph displays the allocation of water among various sectors in three locations.

Generally, the majority of water in the world is salt water and the biggest part of fresh water is in the form of ice and glaciers, whilst the smallest proportion is surface water. Furthermore, industries and agriculture have the most and least considerable usage in Canada, successively, contrasting the circumstances in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, where water is mostly consumed for agricultural needs.

In particular, 97% of water worldwide is saltwater, with the remaining amount being fresh water. When it comes to freshwater, 79% of it is ice and glaciers and merely 1% is surface; the remainder is groundwater.

Concerning water consumption, in Canada, 80% of water is allotted to the industrial sector, with the remaining share being unevenly divided between domestic and agricultural areas, with that of the latter being minimally less. On the contrary, agriculture is provided with no lower than 70% in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia, whereas no higher than 10% is used in industries in these two places.

Word Count: 186


(1) regarding: 关于

(2) water resources: 水资源

(3) allocation: 分配

(4) the majority: 大多数

(5) considerable usage: 大量使用

(6) successively: 依次

(7) circumstances: 情况

(8) When it comes to: 当谈到

(9) remainder: 剩余部分

(10) Concerning: 关于

(11) Allotted: 分配的

(12) unevenly divided: 不均匀地分配

(13) minimally less: 略少

(14) On the contrary: 相反 



The map below describes changes to a park in 1980 and now. summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



The two maps present the layout of a park in 1980 and how it has been altered in the current year.


Overall, the park has been improved substantially, which is an open space now. Furthermore, more entertainment facilities for both children and families as well as pathways have been added to the park.


In the initial year, the park was surrounded by walls, with southern and northwestern gates both linked by a path. In the northeast corner, there were some trees, and on the east of the southern entrance, there was a big area filled with flowers. Meanwhile, a smaller garden of blooms on the western section of this gate could be found, with benches surrounding a pond to its north.


Nowadays, the walls encircling the park have been removed and the pathway has been extended into several branches, proceeding to the north and the east. The big area occupied by flowers has been replaced by a playground, while bushes have taken the place of the smaller one. Additional seats have been added near the pond, and a picnic area with a barbecue grill, desks, and chairs are now set up next to the trees.


Word Count: 195



(1) altered: 改变


(2) the current year: 今年


(3) entertainment facilities: 娱乐设施


(4) linked: 连接


(5) filled with: 填满


(6) improved substantially: 显著改善


(7) garden of blooms: 花园


(8) encircling: 围绕


(9) extended: 延伸


(10) proceeding: 延伸


(11) have taken the place: 已取代


(12) the western section of this gate: 这扇门的西侧


(13) surrounding: 围绕


(14) set up: 设置