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本周大作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:9月13日-9月19日



Printed book is not necessary in digital era, books can be stored electronically, others believe that printed books will continue to play an important part in our lives. Discuss both views and your opinions.



Nowadays, the necessity of printed publications has become a topic of considerable debate. Some argue that traditional reading materials will persist, while others insist that the use of e-books outweighs the need for printed ones in this digital age. I find both perspectives reasonable based on the following considerations.


On the one hand, modern technology has indeed transformed the way people read, demonstrating the convenience of electronic books compared to their printed counterparts. To cite an example, advanced technology enables people to read on their electronic devices, such as smartphones or tablets, at any time and from any location, eliminating the need to carry physical books. The environmental impact of book production is another key consideration. Unlike printed books, electronic books do not require ink and paper, which helps conserve natural resources like trees and reduces the air pollution emitted by factories associated with book production.


On the other hand, some claim that printed books will continue to hold significance for certain groups of people. Specifically, elderly readers and book collectors often prefer the tactile experience of handling physical books and the unique scent of paper. Moreover, not everyone has access to electronic devices or reliable internet connections. For these individuals, particularly those from impoverished families or those who reside in remote locations, printed publications remain an essential option.


In conclusion, while I acknowledge that electronic reading is likely to become more dominant due to its convenience and environmental benefits, I also believe that printed publications will continue to be valued by specific readers and in areas with limited technology access.


Word count: 257


(1) the necessity of printed publications: 纸质出版物的必要性

(2) considerable debate: 大量的争论

(3) traditional reading materials will persist: 传统阅读材料将继续存在

(4) printed counterparts: 纸质对应物

(5) To cite an example: 举个例子

(6) eliminating: 消除

(7) emitted by factories: 由工厂排放的

(8) will continue to hold significance: 将继续具有重要意义

(9) tactile experience of handling physical books: 触摸纸质书籍的体验

(10) impoverished families: 贫困家庭

(11) remote locations: 偏远地区

(12) while I acknowledge that: 虽然我承认

(13) will continue to be valued: 将继续受到重视

(14) areas with limited technology access: 技术接入有限的地区


Recently, the people in many countries can live and work anywhere they choose with improved communication technology and transport. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?




It is no denying how working and living anywhere in the world have become extremely possible due to technological advancements. Thanks to up-to-date communication technology and transportation, I am definite that the benefits of both outweigh the drawbacks.


On the one hand, being able to work anywhere people desire through advanced communication technology manifests a positive change in working settings. To be more specific, thanks to computers and the Internet, anyone can work at the convenience of their own homes. We no longer need to go abroad to seek high-paying jobs abroad. We just need to apply online and work with foreign bosses remotely through the Internet.


Moreover, the ability to live anywhere increased our standard of living. For example, gone are the days when people needed to stay in one residential area all their life. Today, with the help of improved transportation, which includes but is not limited to cars, buses, trains, and planes, people can live locally or internationally if they wish to. Travel time has also been reduced and cities have become less congested, both of which exhibit a higher life quality.


On the other hand, a major drawback of the discussed phenomenon cannot be denied; that is, an unhealthy lifestyle. Due to the flexibility and convenience offered by modern-day working and residing methods, the majority has become physically inactive, which has resulted in various illnesses such as obesity and heart ailments.


In conclusion, despite the undesirable health impact of working and staying anywhere, I concur that the advantages remain more.

Word count: 256



(1) It is no denying 不可否认

(2) Thanks to up-to-date communication technology and transportation得益于最新的通信技术和运输

(3) I am definite that 我确定

(4) manifests 体现

(5) remotely 远程

(6) gone are the days 日子一去不复返了

(7) congested拥挤

(8) standard of living生活水平

(9) at the convenience of their own homes在自己家中的便利

(10) no longer need to 不再需要

(11) high-paying jobs abroad国外高薪工作

(12) exhibit a higher life quality展现更高的生活质量

(13) Due to the flexibility and convenience 由于灵活性和便利性

(14) modern-day working and residing methods现代工作和居住方法

(15) physically inactive身体不活动

(16) result in 导致

(17) undesirable health impact不良的健康影响


Children can learn effectively from watching television. Therefore children should be encouraged to watch television regularly both at home and at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




With the rapid advancement of media, numerous individuals emphasize how effective TV watching is in education. Because of this, they suggest frequent TV viewing both at home and in the classroom. I do not deny that television makes learning more interesting, but in most cases, it should not be utilized for their studies.

On the one hand, I agree with the use of TV at home and in school considering its vivid contents. Compared to books, which are usually textual, TV shows for education make studying more exciting, especially for young learners, because of the colorful images and upbeat music. Hence, it is no denying that watching TV should be encouraged for this reason.

On the other hand, I feel that TV should not be promoted for learning on the ground that it is addicting for young viewers. Studies show that children usually forget to complete their homework because of TV. Aside from that, they acquire undesirable information such as pornography and violence, which do not make their studies effective.

Also, I believe it is not healthy. If students watch TV both at home and at school, parents and teachers are encouraging students to live a sedentary lifestyle. Education should involve physical activities, which not only make children study effectively but also improve their minds and physique. Contrarily, if students watch TV regularly, either their posture will depreciate or their vision will be impaired, all of which can hamper children from performing well academically.

In conclusion, although I admit that frequent use of TV, whether at home or in school, for educating the young is commendable, it leads to unwarranted addiction and poor health, both of which hinder effective study habits.

Word count: 281


(1) rapid advancement of media媒体的快速发展

(2) considering its vivid contents考虑到其生动的内容

(3) it is no denying that 不可否认

(4) on the ground that理由是

(5) to live a sedentary lifestyle过久坐不动的生活方式

(6) Contrarily反之

(7) posture 姿势

(8) depreciate 贬值

(9) vision will be impaired视力会受损

(10) hamper阻碍

(11) commendable值得表扬的

(12) unwarranted addiction 无端成瘾

(13) hinder阻碍