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本周小作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:9月13日-9月19日



The graph below shows the percentage of age groups who visited the cinema at least once a month in one particular country between 1978 and 2008



The line chart compares the rates of individuals belonging to various age brackets who went to movie theaters monthly in a certain nation over three decades.


Generally, the youngest range had the highest level, whilst the oldest ones possessed the lowest cinema attendance throughout the period. Obviously, the figure for cinemagoers in most age groups witnessed varying fluctuations, except for those aged 36-50, who went through a continuous growth


In particular, in 1978, 90% of 14-24-year-olds visited cinemas compared to only around 45% of individuals aged 50 and above. Nonetheless, the former had a minimal increment after 10 years but lessened to approximately 85% in 2008, whilst the latter initially fell by nearly 5% in 1988 before climbing moderately to 50% in 1998 and remaining mostly unvaried in the remaining years.


As for the figure for attendees 25-34 years of age, it began at 80% and shared an almost identical tendency as that of the oldest till 1998 but subsequently experienced a downward inclination, ending at just below its initial level. By comparison, there was a consistent rise of roughly 10% in the percentage of people aged 36-50 who watched films in cinemas, culminating at 72% or thereabouts.


Word Count: 195




(1) age brackets: 年龄段

(2) over three decades: 超过三十年

(3) certain: 某些

(4) witnessed varying fluctuations: 经历了不同程度的波动

(5) possessed: 拥有

(6) cinema attendance: 电影院出席率

(7) Nonetheless: 尽管如此

(8) minimal increment: 微小的增长

(9) cinemagoers: 电影院观众

(10) mostly unvaried: 大部分保持不变

(11) below its initial level: 低于最初水平

(12) By comparison: 相比之下

(13) In particular: 特别是

(14) attendees: 出席者

(15) almost identical: 几乎相同

(16) downward inclination: 下滑趋势

(17) or thereabouts: 大约

(18) went through a continuous growth: 经历了持续增长

(19) culminating at: 达到顶点


The plans show the room layouds for training session for up ten people and mere than ten people.



The two maps display the arrangement of training rooms accommodating varying numbers of participants.


Overall, although the kinds of equipment provided in the two rooms are identical, their general layouts are significantly different.


To begin with, one of the rooms is designed to hold 10 people. Its door is situated at the northeast corner, and in the northern section, the presenter's chair is positioned, adjacent to a whiteboard. In the middle of the room, there is a U-shaped table, attached to each other, with three chairs placed on each of the western and eastern sides and four on the southern part, and behind them was a setup for morning tea.


As for the other, it is designed to accommodate more than 10 partakers. The entrance to the venue is in the same corner. However, the presenter's chair is placed near the middle section, with two whiteboards to its north and two tables for morning tea on the northwest corner. The tables are set up as U as well, but they are detached from each other, and six seats are arranged on every side of each table.


Word Count: 182



(1) arrangement: 布局

(2) accommodating: 适合

(3) varying: 不同的

(4) significantly different: 显著不同

(5) identical: 相同的

(6) , attached to each other: ,彼此相连

(7) designed to hold: 设计用于容纳

(8) positioned: 放置

(9) adjacent: 临近的

(10) it is designed to accommodate: 设计用于容纳

(11) arranged: 安排

(12) venue: 场地

(13) are set up: 设置

(14) detached: 分开的

(15) situated at the northeast corner: 位于东北角

(16) in the northern section: 在北部区域

(17) a U-shaped table: U形桌子

(18) partakers: 参与者

(19) to its north: 在其北侧


The bar chart below shows changes in percentages of population in four countries in the total population around world between 1950 and 2050.



Given is a bar graph illustrating the variations in the rates of individuals inhabiting four nations in relation to the total global populace during a century.


All in all, except India, the various countries experience downward tendencies in their percentages of population. Furthermore, while China initially had the most considerable level, India will end with the most substantial; on the contrary, Japan’s population rate will remain with the least.


To be specific, the figure for Indians accounted for 15% in 1950, and it will rise moderately, approaching roughly 23% in 2050. By contrast, with its beginning level being 35%, the rate of population in China will drastically reduce to approximately 17%.


Concerning the USA, its percentage of citizens around the world lessened to 5% in 2002, and it is predicted to stay at that level till the end of the timescale. As for Japan, its figure is consistently below 5% between 1950 and 2050, and it is forecast to even undergo a marginal decline to almost 2%.


Word Count: 167


(1) variations: 变化

(2) inhabiting: 居住

(3) in relation to: 与...有关

(4) accounted for: 占据

(5) it is predicted to stay: 预计将保持

(6) global populace: 全球人口

(7) except: 除了

(8) with its beginning level being 35%: 起始水平为35%

(9) the most considerable level: 最显著的水平

(10) on the contrary: 相反

(11) uptrend: 上升趋势

(12) experience downward tendencies: 经历下降趋势

(13) approaching: 接近

(14) will drastically reduce: 将大幅减少

(15) lessened: 减少

(16) is forecast to even undergo a marginal decline: 预计甚至会略微下降

(17) timescale: 时间跨度