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本周大作文预测新鲜出炉🔥 可参考日期:9月20日-9月26日



It is shown that many criminals have a low level of education. Some people argue that the best way to reduce crime is to educate criminals in prison to help them find jobs when they leave prison. Do you agree or disagree?



Due to the increasing number of individuals charged with long-term imprisonment, the government considers utilizing education among prisoners to assist them in finding employment after their release and hence lower the crime rate. This measure seems feasible to me, but I find it generally disagreeable.

Admittedly, by educating inmates while they serve their term in jail, they will be provided with the fundamental knowledge they can use to lead a new life when they leave prison. Oftentimes, people turn out to be criminals due to a lack of education, so this educational measure will bring benefits. However, I feel that more than education, increased awareness is what we need to curb crimes. Simply providing prisoners with educational training does not address the major issue from the roots. If the government focuses more on raising people’s understanding of the law, particularly the youngsters in schools, on the consequences of engaging in crimes to the whole society, educating prisoners will no longer be necessary.

Moreover, I am sure that there is no guarantee that convicts will appreciate or take advantage of the education in prison. Some of them find education boring, while others have no interest in education at all. That being the case, it is no doubt a waste of time, money, and other essential resources to supply education to lawbreakers.

In conclusion, despite the somewhat significance of education among prisoners, I concur that more is needed to ensure a low level of crime and a low rate of unemployment. In short, other ways like addressing the issue from the roots through increased law awareness is more essential.


Word count: 267



(1) charged with long-term imprisonment被控长期监禁

(2) considers utilizing education among prisoners 考虑在囚犯中推行教育

(3) lower the crime rate降低犯罪率

(4) feasible 可行

(5) educating inmates 教育囚犯

(6) be provided with被提供

(7) they serve their term in jail他们在监狱服刑

(8) fundamental knowledge基础知识

(9) educational measure 教育措施

(10) curb crimes遏制犯罪

(11) does not address the major issue from the roots没有从根源上解决主要问题

(12) engaging in crimes 从事犯罪活动

(13) convicts 罪犯

(14) it is no doubt毫无疑问

(15) supply education 供应教育

(16) lawbreakers不法分子

(17) somewhat significance 有点意义

(18) I concur我同意

1. 题目及其大意

In many countries today people are living in a ‘throwaway society’ where things are used for a short time and thrown away. What do you think are the causes of it and what may it lead to?

2. 思路提纲

3. 高分范文示例

Nowadays, individuals tend to use and discard various products after a short period of use. Certainly, several causes are to blame for this practice, while problems are to be expected.


Primarily, consumers use and throw away a huge quantity of products due to mass production. With the increase in income, the surge in demand, and the advancement in technology, companies worldwide produce more goods than they should, thus leading to a throwaway society. For example, Apple annually releases iPhone versions. As a result, people discard their old phones right away, although still functioning and in good condition, once a new one is released. Similarly, disposable items such as plastic cups, plastic bags, and plastic spoons and forks for ready-to-eat meals are massively produced, which also causes a throwaway habit.


With such an abundance of available products, pollution will follow. To exemplify, Australia is estimated to suffer from soil contamination, just like Canada, brought by the increasing amount of trash buried in landfills. Air pollution cannot also be denied as factories emitting harmful gases to the atmosphere, such as methane and nitrogen oxide, have to operate day and night to meet mass production. Meanwhile, water pollution cannot be left out as with the increase in the number of goods used and disposed of, most of it will surely head to bodies of water like seas or rivers.


In conclusion, the entire world is now entering a highly consumeristic society brought by the mass production of various goods. If this is not ceased in time, pollution brought by it will continue to worsen. 


Word count: 260

4. 高分词汇或表达

(1) discard 丢弃

(2) several causes are to blame几个原因应该归咎于此

(3) surge in demand需求激增

(4) the advancement in technology技术进步

(5) massively produced批量生产

(6) functioning 功能

(7) in good condition状况良好

(8) landfills堆 填 区

(9) disposable items一次性用品

(10) ready-to-eat meals即食餐

(11) a throwaway habit一次性的习惯

(12) With such abundance in available products有如此丰富的现成产品

(13) To exemplify举例说明

(14) factories emitting harmful gases to the atmosphere向大气排放有害气体的工厂

(15) be left out被排除在外

(16) entering a highly consumeristic society 进入高度消费的社会

(17) ceased停止


Human activities have had a very negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about the problem, while others believe effective action can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Nowadays, it cannot be denied how the variety of wildlife came to a low because of vast human activities. Considering this situation, some say all efforts to redress this issue will only be deemed futile in the end, while others claim that measures are heavily available to make our current circumstances better. I side with the latter.

On the one hand, it is admissible that actions to ameliorate the negative impacts of human activities on plant and animal species are useless as the detriments witnessed on nature are inevitable. For example, as our environment frequently changes, sacrifices have to be made for us to adapt to it; otherwise, human beings will have no gains and find it hard to survive. Thus, it is no longer a surprise why many endangered animals like the Tasmanian Tiger or plants like Cooksonia, both of which were hunted and used for food, are no longer existent.

On the other hand, others suggest that we can still improve the situation through increased environmental awareness matched with appropriate legislation. As they say, knowledge comes with power; hence, with the right knowledge, we can surely put environment-detrimental activities to a halt. A specific case in point is the strict mandate on the illegal hunting of flora and fauna. At the same time, if public talks, advertisements, and school education are all combined to make companies and individuals aware of the possible consequences of mankind’s pursuits, the disappearance of wildlife around the world will surely be stopped or, if not, slowed down.

In conclusion, although some insist on the inevitability of environmental destruction, I still want to reaffirm that no effort is little nor pointless. As long as everyone is knowledgeable and cooperates in one endeavor, improving the situation of all living species will be much easier.

Word count: 299



(1)it cannot be denied 不可否认

(2)the variety of wildlife came to a low 野生动物的种类降到了最低点

(3)vast human activities广泛的人类活动

(4)Considering this situation考虑到这种情况

(5)all efforts to redress this issue 为纠正此问题所做的一切努力

(6)deemed futile in the end最终被认为是徒劳的

(7)I side with the latter我支持后者

(8)it is admissible 它是可以接受的

(9)actions to ameliorate改善行动

(10)detriments witnessed on nature are inevitable对自然的损害是不可避免的

(11)endangered animals 濒危动物

(12)be no longer existent不再存在

(13)it is no longer a surprise 它不再是一个惊喜

(14)increased environmental awareness 提高环保意识

(15)matched with匹配